IICP College Contingency Arrangements during COVID-19 crisis for
March/April 2020
The Board of Directors, Senior Management Team and COVID-19 Steering Group at IICP College are maintaining close observation of the evolving circumstances we find ourselves in. As a College, we are fully committed to supporting the health, safety and wellbeing of our entire academic community as well as maintaining continuity of a high quality learning experience for learners in as seamless a manner as is possible. In this unprecedented situations, it is possible that learners and faculty may experience some disruption to both programme delivery and assessment processes in the short term. However, we are fortunate that we have the use of online and technology enabled teaching and learning methods as well as online assessment submission facilities to support your ongoing development.
- The main concern will always be for the health and wellbeing of our students, faculty staff and those around us. We would like to draw your attention to the Department of Health website, where you will find factual information and resources. The Department has developed COVID-19 posters and these are available for the public to download and display appropriately.
- Please visit www.hse.ie and www.dfa.ie for further information and advice.
Having liaised with our programme teams and validating authorities, IICP college will offer classes, using online methods. We will continue to follow all HSE/Government policy/directives. To facilitate continuity of learning, we will use technology enabled learning for all students on QQI and IACP validated programmes. Your classes will be delivered via our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Moodle, and through other media. Each lecturer will provide you with a plan for their class on a regular basis.
While IICP College will (subject to specific statutory advice and requirements) continue to deliver programmes and maintain continuity of learning, please familiarise yourself with the following;
- From 12th March onwards, all students will use online and technology enabled learning methods to attend classes. In so far as possible, we encourage you to attend your classes at the usual time by logging into Moodle or by using the links sent to you by faculty.
- The college campus will not be open for face-to-face attendance at this time.
- Our technology department will work with learners and faculty who have not utilised the online systems previously to familiarise them with the technological requirements.
- The administration team will continue to work as normal – either on-site or remotely. Please utilise email as your first point of contact for all faculty and staff.
- Elements of the programme that require more practical teaching will be either rescheduled using synchronous teaching methods (i.e. Zoom, webinars etc.). You will be provided with links to log into these sessions. Please note, if circumstances make this difficult, the college will record these live sessions and make them available to you afterwards so that you can catch up.
- The College will continue classes in line with their original scheduled times where possible i.e. 9:30am classes will begin at 9:30am on the day that they are due to be delivered. However, we reserve the right to alter the schedule depending on the emerging circumstances.
- In relation to Placements and Work based learning, we are asking students to adhere to HSE/Government advice in relation to safety and wellbeing and any challenges will be reviewed on an individual (case-by-case basis).
- IACP have communicated that it is at the Course Providers discretion to organise alternative temporary arrangements where client work is necessary. Those on placement may use online/telephone counselling during this challenging time. You will need to check that your insurance allows for this. Please familiarise yourself with the IACP guidelines for working this way: https://iacp.ie/onlinecounselling
- In addition please explore the IACP CPD course for online therapy which is free and takes about four hours to complete. Herewith the link: https://therapyacademy.ie/iacp/details/527
- If you are required to introduce distance arrangements, please ensure that you keep your client log as usual, and that your supervisor is fully abreast of and in agreement with any changes to your practice.
- Please ensure your clients’ agreement to any new practices during the current situation.
- From an assessment perspective, in the event that you are not in a position to do placement via telephone/online methods, and you are concerned about the impact on clinical assignments, please contact us using the Mitigating Circumstances Form, and we will work with you to find a fair and equitable solution: https://www.iicp.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/3.7-Policy-and-Procedure-for-Mitigating-Circumstances-1.pdf
- Any concerns about placement should be brought to the attention of the Placement Coordinator Pamela Patchell and/or David O’Regan, Head of Academic Studies.
- As personal therapy and supervision are course requirements, we encourage you to speak to your therapist/supervisor about their ability to work remotely. Please let Pam or David know if you encounter any difficulties regarding this aspect of training.
- We may need to make changes to assessment tasks and guidelines to support you all. Any change we make will be designed to minimise disruption and to ensure continuity. The overarching aim will be to ensure that your studies can continue in light of the public health crisis the world now finds itself in.
- If any member of the Academic Community (academic staff, administration staff or learner) is confirmed as having been directly impacted by COVID-19, we will follow all specific advice of the HSE/Government in such cases.
- In the event of any faculty member being unwell, we will also endeavour to ensure your learning is not adversely impacted or delayed. This may necessitate changes to personnel.
- Primary means of contacting Programme Leaders or Faculty/ Staff should be through email contact in the first instance.
- Your lecturer emails are available in the programme handbook. Please copy any email correspondence to marcella@iicp.ie and triona@iicp.ie
- The Main College Mobiles are: 087-9055330; 086-0499154: 086-2609989 and will continue to operate.
Thanks for taking time to read this and please feel free to contact me or the College. These are especially challenging times on a global scale. However, we will emerge stronger, kinder and more grateful human beings.
Be safe, be well, be at peace.
Marcella Finnerty
College President