Blended Learning Programme

QQI Level 9 Certificate in Trauma Informed Therapy with Children & Adolescents

  • Award: QQI L9 Certificate

  • Start Date: 8th February 2025

  • Language requirement: If English is your second language you are required to submit an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) cert at Level 6.5, or equivalent. For more information please click HERE

  • Course Fees:

    • €975.00 [A deposit of €292.50 secures your place]


This certificate aims to enhance learners understanding of trauma as it applies to younger children. Children or adolescents who have experienced trauma are at greater risk for later developing a range of mental health problems (Depression, Anxiety etc.), sleep disorders and substance use disorders (SAMHSA, 2014). Therefore, in this module, risk factors such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) will be explored. Prevalence and incidence of trauma will be examined. Drawing from neuroscience, psychology and psychotherapy research, learners will examine how clients can respond to traumatic experience. Learners will consider the impact of trauma on the biological, psychological and social domains.

Who Should Apply

This course will be of interest to those who are working in a supportive capacity with children and adolescents i.e. counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, social care workers, keyworkers, mental health nurses, guidance counsellors, SNAs, teachers etc.

  • Applicants are required to evidence attainment of a minimum of Level 8 in counselling and/or psychotherapy or a minimum of a Level 8 Degree in cognate discipline, or equivalent.
  • Applicants are required to be able to demonstrate relevant experience in working with people in a responsible and caring role.
  • Applicants must be in a work setting or role which will provide them with opportunities to implement their learning from this module, such as paid or voluntary work with children within the helping professions, counselling support services, psychological settings, social care settings and /or project / youth /community work.
  • This is a 10 credit programme, and allows graduates to integrate trauma informed principles into their professional context. This is an academically validated certificate, it is not large enough in credit volume to meet the threshold for professional body recognition. It is ideal for those who are working in the helping professions, and who want to bring fresh knowledge and skills about trauma informed practice with children and adolescents to their current work. If you are seeking a professional training in counselling and psychotherapy, please contact us directly.

Minimum Technological Requirements

For both the fully online and for the blended learning programme, you will need to have:

  • Appropriate broadband to be able to upload and download;
  • A desktop computer or laptop that is capable of using zoom;
  • A webcam and microphone;
  • A web browser; and
  • Word processing package


In this module, learners will engage in formal didactic lectures, skills practice, group discussion, reflective exercises and experiential exercises related to the following:
The indicative content for this Certificate includes:

  • Defining Trauma
    • DSM V-TR and ICD 11
    • Power-Threat- Meaning Psychosocial Framework
    • ACEs
    • Prevalence and incidence of Trauma
  • Trauma Informed Philosophy and Principles
    • Fallot & Harris 2001
    • SAMSHA 4Rs Framework
    • Social and Cultural Factors
  • Impact of Trauma
    • Neurobiology, Polyvagal Theory, and Survival States
    • Dissociation
    • Physical, psychological, relational, and world views
    • Vicarious Trauma and impact on system
  • Implications for Therapeutic Work
    • Ethics and Decision making
    • Trauma lens to procedures and power dynamics
    • Therapeutic relationship
    • Intersectionality
    • Strengths Based
    • Phases, approaches, and mediums
    • Supervision


Date Time: Location
Saturday 08/02/2025 9:00am – 5:00pm Classroom
Friday 04/04/2025 6:30pm – 10:00pm Online
Sunday 06/04/2025 9:00am – 5:00pm Online
Saturday 26/04/2025 2:00pm – 5:00pm Classroom
Sunday 27/04/2025 9:00am – 5:00pm Classroom


The Certificate in the Trauma Informed Practice with Children & Adolescents is delivered using blended learning. This consists of a rotational module, where learners attend onsite classes and online classes. We do not utilise hybrid approaches, therefore onsite classes are integral to the programme.

Student Benefits & Support

We hold that it is not enough to simply teach the skills of CBT. Learners are given the space to learn, practice and be supported as they integrate CBT into their professional practice, in their particular context.

Work Based learning

Prior to commencing on the programme, learners must be working or volunteering in a setting where they are actively supporting children and/or adolescents. The programme requires that you evidence a minimum of 20 hours of practice where play, creative media and expressive arts are integrated into your professional practice, in your specific context. This must be supervised at a ratio of 1:5, so one supervision session should occur for every 5 hours of practice.


Learners complete two assessments as part of this assignment:
Poster: Learners must create and submit a poster presentation that critically evaluates the scientific research into Trauma, ACEs and Trauma Informed Therapy with Children & Adolescents. The poster should contain a critique of multi-disciplinary perspectives, and evaluate the clinical implications of working with trauma in psychotherapy with younger clients, with specific reference to (i) benefits, limitations and contraindications and (ii) the strategies you would use for managing vicarious trauma and self-care. Learners can choose to filter this through one particular presenting issue if they choose (Violence, Sexual Abuse, Physical Trauma, War etc.) – 70% of module grade.
Role Play: Learners are required to work in pairs to complete a 10 minute video recorded trauma informed assessment, and submit a 1,000 word critical evaluation of same, including analysis of strengths, weaknesses and a deliberate practice plan – 30% of Module Grade.

  • Please see Appendix 14 in the supporting documents for a copy of the Grading Rubric for the Poster Component of the Trauma Informed Therapy Assessment Strategy
  • Please see Appendix 15 in the supporting documents for a copy of the Grading Rubric for the Role Play Component of the Trauma Informed Therapy Assessment Strategy

Validation & Accreditation of Award

This Certificate is awarded as a Minor Award at Level 9 on the NFQ and is validated by QQI.



Protection for Enrolled Learners

This programme is covered by arrangements under section 65 (4) of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012 whereby, in the event of IICP College ceasing to provide the programme for any reason, enrolled learners may transfer to a similar programme at another provider, or, in the event that this is not practicable, the fees most recently paid will be refunded. Current PEL arrangements consist of a 2% levy on course fees. IICP do not pass the cost of this on to learners.

Trauma Informed Therapy with Children and Adolescents

This module aims to enhance learners understanding of trauma as it applies to younger children. Children or adolescents who have experienced trauma are at greater risk for later developing a range of mental health problems (Depression, Anxiety etc.), sleep disorders and substance use disorders (SAMHSA, 2014). Learners will consider the impact of trauma on the biological, psychological and social domains. The child or adolescent’s experience with trauma can shape the manner in which they approach therapy and the psychotherapist. In the module, learners will also gain an appreciation of the relevance and application of trauma informed therapy to youth mental health and adolescent substance use, and other sectors where there is a high incidence of trauma. Definitions of trauma will be presented, and learners will engage in teaching and learning relevant to Trauma Informed Philosophy and Principles, the Impact of Trauma and the implications for therapy.

IICP understand that while partaking in further education is an incredibly rewarding experience it can also be a financial challenge for some students. In order to minimise the financial impact caused to students, IICP strive to keep our course fees as competitive as possible. We also provide payment plan options to facilitate learners paying the balance of their fees throughout the duration of their course.

Overall Programme Fees

  • Certificate Fee: €975.00 [Inclusive of €50 QQI Fee]
  • A deposit of €292.50 secures your place

Payment Options

(1) The balance is due on or before the first day of the course


29250On acceptance of course offer

Balance of Fees




(2) Learners can also opt to sign up to our direct debit scheme if they wish to pay in instalments. Please note, the Direct Debit Scheme incurs an administration fee of €100.00

  • Please Contact the IICP office to find out more!

Extra Costs

  • Except where stated, course fees cover tuition only. Learners on this programme must also complete 20 hours of practice work and, if not provided in their work context, learners will be required to engage an individual supervisor for this work. Supervision fees are negotiable between learners and individual supervisors.

Getting Started

Applications to this course are done online using the link below. If you have any queries, please contact the office on 01 4664205 or 087-9055330.

Simply click the below button to be brought to our online application process. When prompted, please select ‘Validated & Accredited Courses’, then select ‘QQI L9 Certificate in Trauma Informed Therapy w/Children & Adolescents – Spring 2025’ option and complete the form.

Online Application Form

If you have any trouble at any stage of the application please click here to get in touch and we will be happy to help.