Dr. Maria Quinlan
Module Lecturer
PhD Social Work and Social Policy, MA Sociology, BA (Hons) Sociology and Economics.
Maria is a member of the Sociological Association of Ireland, the British Sociological Association and the IACP. She currently lectures at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in UCD and has lectured in Trinity College Dublin at the School of Social Work and Social Policy.
Her areas of interest and expertise include research methods – quantitative and qualitative; research design within the field of counselling and psychotherapy; Sociological theory – particularly related to mental health and illness; and issues of equality.
Quinlan, M., & Doyle, G. (2016). Organisational Readiness for Change Within the Health Service Executive – views from Clinicians’ Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, June 2016.
Moore, G., Quinlan, M., Doyle, G., & Geiger, S. (2016). Evaluation of The Implementation of The National E-referral Project Within the Irish Health Service Executive – Report on Preliminary Findings’ Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, February 2016.
Quinlan, M., Doyle, G. and Geiger, S. (2016). The Healthcare Organisational-Level Change Challenge; Key Learnings from The Movement Towards Integrated Care in the US’, Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, January 2016
Moore, G., Quinlan, M, Doyle, G., & Geiger, S. (2015). Clinician’s Perceptions of the Risks Associated with eHealth-Enabled Care
Quinlan, M. (2015). Report from the HSE’s Council of Clinical Information Officers’ meeting on 16th Sept. 2015. Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, October 2015.
Heffernan, E., Quinlan, M., & Geiger, S. (2014). An Analysis of User Experience of a Connected Health Solution for People with Dementia, Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, June 2014.
Quinlan, M., Geiger, S., Duffy, J. & Phelan, P. (2014). Analysis of The Implementation of Connected Healthcare Within the United Kingdom – Barriers and Enablers, Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, January 2014.
Quinlan, M. & Geiger, S. (2014). Analysis of The Implementation of Connected Healthcare Within the US – Barriers and Enablers, Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, June 2014.
Gross, N., Quinlan, M., Geiger, S. (2014). Analysis of The Implementation of Connected Healthcare Within Germany – Barriers and Enablers. Applied Research for Connected Health (ARCH) Report, August 2014.
Quinlan M. (2016). ‘Scaling Connected Health – Lessons in Implementation from Improvement Science’ ARCH/IHI Seminar, Nova UCD, Dublin. 18th October 2016
Quinlan M., Geiger, S., & Doyle, G., (2016). ‘Implementing Change Within Healthcare – Lessons in Best-Practice’. ARCH/HSE E-health Implementation Conference, Farmleigh, Dublin. 3rd May, 2016.
Quinlan, M., Geiger, S., Doyle, G. (2016). ‘Patient Empowerment as A Driver of a Connected Healthcare Eco-System – Realistic or Not?’. Paper Presented at The British Sociological Association’s (BSA) Annual Conference, Aston University, UK. 6th April 2016
Moore, G., Quinlan, M., Geiger, S., Doyle, G. (2016). ‘Clinical Engagement as A Key Enabler to The Adoption of Connected Health Technologies in Irish Healthcare’. Poster Presentation at Sphere Network 2nd Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland. 29th February 2016
Quinlan, M., Geiger, S., And Heffernan, E. (2016). ‘The Organisational Level Challenge of Connected Health Transformation’. Paper Presented at EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece. July 2015
Quinlan, M., Slevin, P., Geiger, S., Heffernan, E. (2016). ‘Plugged In? Unpacking the Role of M-health In Connected Health (CH)’. Poster Presentation at Mhealth Conference, NUI Galway, Ireland. 9th June 2015
Quinlan, M., Geiger, S., And Heffernan, E. (2016). ‘(Dis)Connected Care…(Dis)Connected Communication – Key Stakeholder Engagement with Connected Health in Ireland’. Harnessing Digital Technology for Health Behaviour Change, UCL Centre for Behaviour Change, London, UK. 23rd – 24th February 2015
Quinlan, M., Geiger, S., And Heffernan, E. (2016). ‘A Mixed Methods Analysis of Key Stakeholder Experience, Perception Of, And Attitudes Towards, Connected Health in Ireland’. Innovation in Healthcare Interdisciplinary Summer School “Social Sciences Meet Health Care” Dresden, Germany. September 2014
Quinlan, M. (2014). ‘Unlocking the Potential Of E-Health – The Organisational Change Challenge’. Ireland’s Ehealth & M-Health Developments Conference, Dublin. March 2014.