Ann Marie Bourke, MA Student 2014 – 2016
“The level of support offered has been so helpful. I have learned so much in a wonderful environment. I’m very grateful for the guidance and feedback. Doing the MA has been a fabulous experience. While it has been challenging, the facilitators and my peers have been a constant source of support, encouragement, information and fun. Thank you!”
Shay Hogan, MA Student 2014 – 2016
“I found the flexibility shown in relation to the workload very useful. The academic support given throughout the course was excellent.”
Siobhan Quinn, MA Student 2014 – 2016
“I really enjoyed this course and learning. The journey provided valuable new learning and insights both on a personal and professional level. Thank you – it has been a fantastic journey”
Caroline Burke, MA Student 2014 – 2016
“The whole programme was fascinating. Support could not be improved upon. There was always a sense that support was readily available with no sense of judgement or pressure. John is an incredibly inspirational teacher!“
Anne Fitzgerald, MA Student 2014 – 2016
“Immense learning, every module taught in a clear and open manner. Thanks to the lectures and college staff I kept going. There was so much support, care and guidance. Amazing experience. Thank you!!”
Allen Gilhooly, MA Student 2014 – 2016
“Outcomes of the course have left me feeling grateful for having taken part in the programme. This course has challenged me on a personal and professional front. I’m left with more options for further work but also left me feeling confident to pursue these goals. Words don’t do this justice and I imagine as time moves on I’ll have an even deeper appreciation for it down the road.”
Miriam Barrow, Supervision Diploma Student 2015-2016
“I thought the structure of the modules was excellent. The module content covered all aspects of supervising theory and practice thoroughly. Well done! Excellent Course!”
Ciaran Cuddihy, Supervision Diploma Student 2015-2016
“Course was well structured with excellent delivery from all facilitators. Thank you so much for a very enjoyable course.”
Tom Kiernan, Supervision Diploma Student 2015-2016
“I really enjoyed the course, it was facilitated very well, interesting, stimulating classes by lecturers with vast experience. Thank you Eamon & Ann for a great experience.”
Larry O’Reilly, Supervision Diploma Student 2015-2016
“Most helpful was the interactivity of the course, the role plays and the art-therapy training day. I really enjoyed doing the work and connecting.”
Margaret O’Sullivan, Supervision Diploma Student 2015-2016
“The most interesting and helpful aspects of this course included covering the two models of supervision, how different learning styles transfer to development of personal style, the importance of developing the “inner supervisor” and self-care.”
Michelle Keogh, Degree Graduate
“I would highly recommend this course to anyone. Really enjoyed it. The lecturer was fantastic and very easy to understand. Learning of counselling theory and then adapting this learning to everyday life was most helpful.”
Joe O’ Rourke, Certificate Student 2015
“I can’t say enough about the facilitation skills of Rose & Suzi. The method & amount of facilitation in which all aspects of the Certificate were presented was a Joy. Not just learning the skills, but learning them in such a positive and inclusive manner. A wonderful experience!”
Sultan Mahmoud, Certificate Student 2015
“Extremely insightful and valuable course. Showed the potential career so clearly in a safe way. Wonderfully communicated and very patiently explained. Excellent opportunity to explore the understanding of counselling & psychotherapy theory with your peers.”
Jennifer Webb, Certificate Student 2015
“Can’t be improved upon. I found the pace perfect and structure very clear to understand. Loved working in groups for the first assessment.”
Cynthia Cope, Certificate Student 2015
“Learned a lot – very useful in my own life. Putting the theory into practice was most helpful. “
Blathnaid Cox, Degree Graduate 2015
“I am very appreciative of the way IICP are continuously striving to better the programs, both academically and for the students. Having experienced other colleges, I find that IICP are excellent at managing to offer a high level academic course whilst not in any way compromising on the culture of caring for and listening to what students want and need.”
Mark O’Mahony, Degree Graduate 2012
“Undertaking the BA (Hons) had been a goal of mine for a very long time. I recall on the first day of the course expressing a wish to be challenged. At that time, I did not realise how much I would grow, both personally and professionally. The tutors were excellent; always available, always encouraging. Their feedback was constructive and supportive. I consider myself to have been very lucky to be part of the class 2011 – 2012. We embraced each others’ differences and supported each other through the trials and tribulations of the year. The group worked hard, both individually and as a collective. We shared many special moments together. Thank you so much.
Having completed the BA (Hons), I feel I am better equipped to “meet” my clients, to be present with them, to facilitate a space where they can say the unsayable. While I have learned much, I find myself feeling more and more comfortable with what I do not know. How liberating….
I would encourage anyone interested in counselling to explore the range of courses with IICP.
I am reminded of Karen Horney’s insight:
“You need not, in fact cannot, teach an acorn to grow into an oak tree, but when given a chance, its intrinsic potentialities will develop. Similarly, the human individual, given a chance, tends to develop his particular human potentialities.”
Geraldine Hallahan, Graduate of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy, 2011
“Many times I had thought about completing the BA (Hons) Degree in psychotherapy over the years, but always procrastinated.
I had bags of excuses such as: I was too busy; would I be able for it; had I the courage to take it on; I am too old; I have too many other commitments; others needed me;
However once I made the decision, I have never looked back. They say that time fits to fill the space, and how true that saying is. It has been a wonderful year of learning for me, and I feel I have grown and broadened my horizons to such a level that it has enriched and filled me with an inner sense of confidence and trust in my abilities. Unless we dare to risk ourselves we limit the possibilities for our growth.
Studying at IICP in such a supportive and encouraging environment was great. The warmth and care I got from all the tutors and staff at IICP was fantastic. The course content and information for the students ensured that expectations were met.
I am very happy to encourage others to take this opportunity to open themselves to new learning.
“…If we really want to live, we better start at once to try
If we don’t, it doesn’t matter, but we better start to die”; W.H. Auden”
Ramesh Ramsahoye, Graduate of Certificate Programme 2011 and current Diploma student
“The first thing I remember about the certificate course is the wonderful, warm welcome I received from the staff when I arrived on day one. I had spoken to the Director, Marcella Finnerty on the telephone when I had enquired months previously and was surprised when she remembered me and just picked up where we left off! This made me feel important and valued, a feeling that was reinforced by the other members of the group as the weeks passed.
The course gave me an excellent introduction to major theorists such as Carl Rogers and William Glasser, but more importantly, the experiential nature of the work gave me a practical understanding of how their concepts are applied in counselling. Personal development and self-exploration was another important dimension of the course as was acquiring key skills for working with clients or with people in any capacity. As a group we were given a fair amount of autonomy in terms of agreeing how we would work together and what we would expect from each other and there was room to explore topics of personal interest.
Another great strength of the Cert. at IICP is the commitment to working within an ethical framework so that challenging issues can be addressed and explored in an atmosphere of trust, acceptance and confidentiality. The qualities and attitudes needed in the counsellor such as empathy, patience and genuineness were modelled by the tutors and we all learned a great deal from seeing how they handled situations and responded to us. In this climate of safety and respectful relating, we are able as a group to share generously with each other and to do really meaningful work. The notes were very useful and pitched just right. My enduring memory of the course is of going on a very profound journey with some great people and, looking back, I see that it was a turning point in my life.”
Damian Martin, Graduate of the Certificate in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Studies, 2011
“My experience with the IICP was a positive one to put it simply. I found the course extremely interesting and challenging. I discovered through this Certificate that there is a lot going on inside the mind of a Counsellor while he/she are in session. The skills acquired through this course is incredible, from being able to put your own personal opinions aside, to empathise and deal with the client, to discovering the Johari window and learning about perceptions on oneself, which really hit home for me on a personal level.
I use the Johari window every day to be more aware of myself, my behaviour and how I treat people. It has had an extremely positive impact on my life. The other main module that I use every day in my life that has had a massive impact on my life is Choice Theory. Everything we do in life is a choice whether it is good or bad, whether we choose to live with the consequences or not, we chose to be where we are in life. This is a very empowering approach to put into practice.
The tutors were excellent, professional and very supportive. I felt a real sense of warmth, happy and well informed after each class I attended and I am very proud of my achievement. I highly recommend this course to anyone, even if you are not interested in becoming a Counsellor. It is excellent for personal development.”
Carol Lynch, Graduate of the Diploma Programme 2007
“When I started the two-year and one semester programme in counselling and psychotherapy back in 2004. I really had no idea how my life was to change (FOR THE BETTER OF COURSE). I was going on a journey of self-discovery. I learnt to have a relationship with myself. When I changed myself, everything else in my life changed.
My relationships with others got better, especially with the important people in my life. I have brought all I have learned into my life and this has been very beneficial to me personally. When I received my Diploma I was thrilled and continued working toward my IACP accreditation which I am pleased to say I received recently.
I am now working as a counsellor and I really love the work. It is really a privilege working with clients to help facilitate change in their lives. Helping clients explore what they want in their lives is really wonderful.Thank you all in IICP for your encouragement and support throughout my time with you. It was in that room in Killinarden Enterprise Park that the change began for me and I have never looked back. Warmest Regards Always.”
Fergus Carey, Degree Graduate
“I want to personally thank you and also recognize the amazing work you are doing there. The level of professionalism, the quality of the staff and the care that has been shown to me these last two and a half years has been truly outstanding. You supported me greatly at difficult moments and times when I doubted myself. Now, here I go…into the world, helping where I can… beginning a new and exciting chapter in my life.
Looking forward to keeping in professional contact.”
Allen Gilhooley, Graduate of the Diploma Programme, 2009
“I had contemplated pursuing counselling a number of years ago and when the right time came I signed up for my diploma with IICP. I had an advantage of knowing course faculty from previous training and it was from their quality of work and personal care, in that course, that left me under no illusion that this was the right place for me to pursue my training in Counselling.
The course was demanding as it is intensive and requires a lot of dedication. Saying that if it hadn’t been demanding I don’t feel I would have the strong foundations where I now feel ready to take on clients in a very professional and competent way.”
Phil Hynes, Graduate of the Diploma Programme, 2008
“I retired from teaching in June 2004 after 43 years. I was lucky to have been accepted in IICP, Tallaght that same year. During the previous year, at the Reality Therapy Practicum, the “new course in Tallaght” was often the subject of discussion (all good, I hasten to add). I had high expectations of the course and it’s true to say I was not disappointed.I gained in confidence and self-esteem and began to see reading and studying in a new light. Being a victim of “External Control” all my life I flourished in this new “Choice Theory” world. I was just as good as anyone else! My opinion did matter! Marcella affirmed me constantly and soon I began to believe her. I began to believe myself and in myself.
I graduated in March 2007 and in September 2008 I was accredited by IACP. I believe I have helped some people in their struggles with drugs, alcohol and gambling addictions. I have made life a little more bearable for a few homeless people, some terminally-ill and several suffering loss and grief. It’s amazing, though, how much joy all this has brought to me.
It was IICP and its wonderful dedicated staff who made all this possible. There I learned about the dignity of every human being, whether marginalized or not. IICP respects and dignifies everyone. Counselling/Psychotherapy is a wonderful, privileged profession and in IICP they “train you well.””
Sid Kavanagh, Graduate of the Diploma Programme, 2007
“I was accepted for the Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy Course with IICP in September 2004. I still remember my first day like it was yesterday filled with fear and anxiety. I had never done a college course before. I left school at 17, went to FAS and worked in Graphic Design for 14 years. This was completely new and I felt out of my depth. The first year was very hard but manageable and by the start of the second year, I was fully prepared for what was ahead of me. As the year progressed I grew in confidence and this helped be both academically and with my client work. The confidence I gained was due to the encouragement given by all the tutors at IICP and the belief they had in me to achieve all of my goals.
I graduated in 2007 and since then have completed a degree course with honours and have recently been accredited by the IACP and the IAAAC. I now work as a full time counsellor in CDA where I am an addiction counsellor and with a school in Meath where I work counselling teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18. I also opened a small private practice with a colleague from the diploma course which has been up and running since January 2007.
I would like to thank Marcella and all the tutors in IICP for their support, who even now after all these years still keep in touch to see how I’m doing.”