Dr Eve Watson
Module Lecturer
(PhD, MSc Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, MICP, Reg.Pract APPI)
Eve Watson (PhD, MSc Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, MICP, Reg.Pract APPI) is involved in psychoanalytic practice, training, education, and research. She is co-director of a Dublin city-centre practice where she practices, and has published over thirty essays on psychoanalysis, sexuality, film, culture, and literature. Her co-edited books are Clinical Encounters in Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Practice and Queer Theory (2017, Punctum), Critical Essays on the Drive: Lacanian Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2024), and two collections are due in 2025 -Freud’s Principal Case Studies Revisited: Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysts Reconsider the Legacy (Routledge, 2025) and James Joyce’s Writing and Psychoanalysis (Routledge, 2025). She is the academic director of the Freud Lacan institute (FLi), and was the Editor of Lacunae, the International Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis (2016-2024). She is a member of the Editorial Boards of Lacunae, The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, and the European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy. In 2022, she was the Erik Erikson Scholar-in-Residence at the Austen Riggs Centre in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Current research interests include gender and identity, contemporary culture, phenomenology, and inter-disciplinary intersections with psychotherapy.
Watson, E. (In Press – 2019). The role of phantasy in representations and practices of homosexuality with special consideration of Colm Tóibín’s The Blackwater Lightship and Edmund White’s Our Young Man. In: Psychoanalysis, Gender and Sexuality. Cambridge University Press.
Watson, E. (2018). Some guiding remarks for a convention on female sexuality. In: Vanheule, S., Hook, D., & Calum, N. (Eds). Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘Signification of the Phallus’ to ‘Metaphor of the Subject’. Routledge.
Watson, E. (2017). Making a difference; On the non-rapport of psychoanalysis and the discourse of ‘trans’. In: Owens, C., & Farrelly Quinn, S. (Eds). Lacanian Psychoanalysis with Babies, Children and Adolescents: Further Notes on the Child. Karnac Books.
Watson, E., & Giffney, N. (Eds). (2017). Clinical encounters in sexuality: Psychoanalytic practice and query theory. Punctum Books.
Watson, E. (2017). David Bowie’s Non-Human Effect: Alien/Alienation in ‘The man who fell to earth’ and ‘the hunger’. In: Sinclair, V., & Abrahamsson, C. (Eds). Fenris Wolf 9. Trapart Books.
Watson, E. (In Press – 2019). A psychoanalytic journey of time, topology and outsidership. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. Spring/Summer 2019.
Watson, E. (In Press – 2019). A psychoanalytic exploration of capitalism with special emphasis on the film Raw (2016). British Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. Spring/Summer 2019.
Watson, E. (In Press – 2019). The shine of Absences: Lacan on the feminine. Psychoanalytische Perspectieven Belgium. Summer 2019.
Watson, E. (2015). “Shining” a light on psychosis and triggers to its violent expression. Psychoanalytische Perspectieven Belgium. 33(3)
Watson, E. (2015). The voice and the analyst’s ear. Lacunae: Journal of the Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland. Summer 2015.
Watson, E. (2014). Unruly hysterics: ‘borderline’ as post-modern hysteria. (Re)-Turn: A Journal of Lacanian Studies. Vol.7.
Watson, E. (2014). Apres-Coup in extremis: Futurisma and a-historicity in the work of Freeman, Lacan and Woolm. Social Text Online. Summer 2014.
Watson, E. (Forthcoming – 2019). De-mythologizing the feminine in sexuality, with a special emphasis on LGBTQ voices and subjectives. Panel presentation at the July 2019 International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) World Conference.
Watson, E. (Forthcoming – 2019). The function of memory, repetition and working through. Paper presentation at the March 2019 Conference of the Toronto Lacan Psychoanalytic Society, Canada.
Watson, E. (2018). Born this way: On the non-rapport of the psychoanalysis and the discourse of trans. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups, USA. Boston, MA.
Watson, E. (2018). Shame and a different trinity: The psychoanalytic importance of remembering, forgetting and mourning. Irish Studies Conference, University of Buffalo, New York.
Watson, E. (2018). Lacan on the feminine in the fifties. Keynote Address at the International Ecrits Psychoanalytic Conferences, Ghent, Belgium.
Watson, E. (2017). Homosexual male intimacies. Panel presentation at the International Psychoanalytic Association Annual Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Watson, E. (2017). The unconscious is politics. Paper presented at the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups’ Annual Conference at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Watson, E. (2016). Presentation on the breadth of Lacan’s work on female sexuality in the 1950s and 1960s. Keynote Address at the Toronto Lacan Psychoanalytic Society, Toronto, Canada.
Watson, E. (2016). What’s to love about queer: Psychoanalysis and contemporary sexuality. Paper presented at the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups’ Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Watson, E. (2016). Bowie’s Non-Human Effect: Uncanniness in The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) and The Hunger (1983). Das Unbehagen’s 3-day symposium on psychoanalysis, art and the occult. London, England.
Watson, E. (2015). From transsexual to transracial: The rise of identitarianism and challenges to contemporary psychoanalysis. APPI Annual Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
Watson, E. (2015). From transgender to transference: Identitatrian challenges to transference in contemporary psychoanalysis. Paper presented at the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups’ Annual Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
Watson, E. (2015). Shining a light on psychosis and triggers to its violent expression. International Conference on Psychoanalysis and Violence, Fordham University, New York, USA.
Watson, E. (2014). To malaise or not to malaise: Sexuality and symptom in contemporary culture. APPI 21st Annual Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
Watson, E. (2014). I am because I enjoy: Fallacies of freedom and enjoyment in the 21st century. International Inter-Disciplinary Conference, ‘Social Pathologies of the 21st Century,’ Rotterdam, Holland.