Summer Series Special Offer:

Book Any Two Summer Series Workshops and Get a Third Workshop Free

In the event that social distancing strategies continue in the coming months, we are delighted to advise our CPD programmes will be delivered online, meaning you can still attend our wonderful workshops and receive your CPD points from your own home.

SFBT with Children & Adolescents

Sunday 13th June 2021

This innovative training will explore the integration of a solution focused approach to enhance professional practice with children and adolescents. It will offer a space to explore the issues of adolescence and the implications for the engagement with clients in these stages of transition. The workshop will focus on the use of SFBT as part of a proactive approach to engaging children and adolescents.

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Solution Focused Brief Therapy: Introduction Day

Saturday 19th June 2021

The aim of this workshop is to offer an introduction to using Solution Focused Brief Therapy.SFBT is an approach that is more concerned with helping people finding solutions to their life problems than with exploring the ways in which these problems developed.

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Solution Focused Brief Therapy: Advanced Day

Sunday 20th June 2021

Building on the work of the introductory workshop, the advanced SFBT seminar will offer participants further opportunity to deepen their understanding of and to practice the skills and methods of the SFBT approach.

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Introduction to LGBT+ Culture and Client Needs

Saturday 26th June 2021

Current estimates place the LGBT+ population of Ireland between 4%-10%, and it is said that LGBT+ clients are more likely to engage in therapy (McLeod, 2013; McCann & Sharek, 2014). Therefore it is likely as therapists we will eventually find ourselves working with a client from the LGBT+ community. Given this, how do we feel confident that we are meeting the needs of LGBT+ clients?

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Finding the Pearl in the Grit of COVID-19

Sunday 27th June 2021

This online workshop aims to explore how pandemics complicate our anxieties, allows space to share professional challenges with others, and offers a range of therapeutic responses designed to gently address these complications.

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Mindful Self-Compassion

Saturday 3rd July 2021

Self-compassion means taking an attitude of kindness and acceptance towards yourself – not towards the perfect self you want to be but towards the person you are now.The practice of self-compassion is a recent trend in the world of mindfulness and its value in relation to anxiety, depression, self-acceptance and self-development has been underlined in many research studies.

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Basic and Advanced Counselling Skills

Sunday 4th July 2021

The aim of this workshop is to provide an opportunity to revisit and further develop your core counselling and psychotherapeutic skills. It is perfect for practicing cliniciansand counselling and psychotherapy students seeking to fine tune and to hone their skills.

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CBT with Depression

Saturday 10th July 2021

CBT is an evidence-based approach to therapy, that has proven efficacy when working with clients who are dealing with depression. This one day workshop will support therapists and mental health practitioners who want to incorporate CBT into their clinical toolbox.

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Trauma, Neuroscience and Adolescence

Saturday 17th July 2021

Exposure to trauma or series of chronic traumatic events activates the body’s biological stress response systems, which in turn can impact on psychological functioning. Trauma can have long term and extremely negative impact on the lived experience of adolescents. This workshop will support you in examining how trauma and neuroscience can inform clinical practice with this client cohort.

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Introduction to Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Friday 23rd July 2021

Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) is a brief, focused, evidence-informed therapy used to treat mood disorders. It focuses primarily on the enhancement of clients’ interpersonal relationships as means of reducing psychological distress. Originally developed to treat major depressive disorders, it has been used effectively across a range of mental health issues.

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Understanding Attachment

Saturday 24th July 2021

John Bowlby (1969) describes attachment as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings” (p.194) and that the relationship between an infant and their primary caregiver will shape their attachment style in close relationships for life. How do we then recognise and work with that as professionals?

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Transference, Transgenerational, Transgender

Sunday 25th July 2021

This one-day seminar for professional practice explores how various aspects of “trans” are essential to considerations of sexuality. While trans is linked to gender today, it is implicated in transgenerational and transferential aspects of clinical and therapeutic work.

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Working Therapeutically with Dreams

Saturday 14th August 2021

Have you ever had a client present a dream in therapy? Have you ever brought a dream to your own therapy? Maybe you have had a dream which has lingered with you for days, months or even years? In this workshop we will explore the practical guidance that dreams can offer for the therapeutic process and their relevance for countertransference.

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Working therapeutically with Sensory Processing Sensitivity/Highly Sensitive Person

Saturday 21st August 2021

As research reports that approximately half of clients have Sensory Processing Sensitivity, this workshop will be invaluable for therapists. In this workshop you will learn how to identify clients who have the high sensitivity trait, the neurological differences of this trait, and the essential components for working therapeutically with a client with high sensitivity.

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Saturday 28th August 2021

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is the evidence based cutting edge integration of CBT and Mindfulness skills, which also takes the useful philosophical stances from Existentialism and Gestalt approaches to create powerful counselling and therapeutic tools. ACT is increasingly demonstrating its effectiveness to help clients across a range of psychological issues.

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Resilience Workshop

Saturday 4th September 2021

Resilience is the human capacity to endure, to overcome, adapt and be transformed by life’s adversities. This One-Day interactive Online workshop is designed to help you harness the power of your own Resilience and unleash your Potential.

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