Professor John McLeod
Visiting Professor, MSc Pluralistic Counselling & Psychotherapy

John McLeod is Emeritus Professor of Counselling at the University of Abertay Dundee and Professor of Counselling and Psychotherapy, IICP College, Dublin, and has previously held Visiting Professor positions at the University of Oslo, University of Padua, and Massey University. A central theme within his career has been the promotion of research as a means of informing therapy practice and improving the quality of services that are available to clients.

His enthusiastic quest for finding ways to make research interesting, relevant and accessible for practitioners has resulted in a teaching award for exceptional contribution to research from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. His writing has influenced a generation of trainees in the field of counselling and psychotherapy, and his books are widely adopted on training programmes across the world. His current focus is on the development of flexible, collaborative and pluralistic forms of therapeutic practice, and finding ways in which counselling and psychotherapy can contribute to mitigating the climate crisis and establishing a more balanced and sustainable relationship between human beings and nature.


McLeod, J. (2018). Pluralistic Therapy: Distinctive features. Routledge.

McLeod, J. (2016). Using research in counselling and psychotherapy. London: Sage.

McLeod, J. (2015). Doing research in counselling and psychotherapy. London: Sage.

Book Chapters:

Hanley, T., Winter, L., Cooper, M. and McLeod, J. (2017). Pluralistic therapy. In D. Murphy (ed) Counselling Psychology: A textbook for study and practice. London: BPS/Blackwell.

McLeod, J. and Mackrill, T. (2017). Philosophical, conceptual and ethical perspectives on working with goals in therapy. In D. Law and M. Cooper (eds) Working with goals in psychotherapy and counselling. New York: Oxford University Press.

McLeod, J. (2017). Qualitative methods for routine outcome measurement. In T. Rousmaniere, R.K. Goodyear, S.D. Miller and B.E. Wampold (eds) The Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and Training. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

McLeod, J. (2017). Qualitative research. In D. Murphy (ed) Counselling Psychology: A textbook for study and practice. London: BPS/Blackwell.

McLeod, J. (2016). Helping clients feel happier and combat depression. In Cooper, M. & Dryden, W. (Eds) The Handbook of Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, London: Sage

McLeod, J., & McLeod, J. (2016). Assessment and formulation in pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy. In Cooper, M. & Dryden, W. (Eds) The Handbook of Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, London: Sage

McLeod, J. and Sundet, R. (2016). Integrative and eclectic approaches and pluralism. In Cooper, M. & Dryden, W. (Eds) The Handbook of Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, London: Sage

Sundet, R. and McLeod, J. (2016). Narrative approaches and pluralism. In Cooper, M. & Dryden, W. (Eds) The Handbook of Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, London: Sage

McLeod, J., Thurston, M. & McLeod, J. (2015). Case study methodologies. In Vossler, A. and Moller, N. (Eds.) The counselling and psychotherapy research handbook. London: Sage.

Thurston, M., McLeod, J. and McLeod, J. (2015). How to use case study methodology with single client therapy data. In Vossler, A. and Moller, N. (Eds.) The counselling and psychotherapy research handbook. London: Sage

McLeod, J. (2014). Learning the craft: towards a socio-historical understanding of therapist development. In A. Von der Lippe, H.W. Oddli and H. Nissen-Lie (eds) Psykoterapeutens Bidrag i Psykoterapi. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.


Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2018). A qualitative study of the principles that self-defined integrative therapists in Ireland perceive as underpinning their practice. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. doi: 10.1037/int0000128.

McLeod, J. (2018). Research Matters: The purpose of research. Therapy Today. 29(3), 40-41.

McLeod, J. (2018). Research Matters: Case study research. Therapy Today. 29(5), 38-39.

McLeod, J. (2018). Research Matters: Conversations about crucial issues for the profession. Therapy Today, 29(6), 38-39.

McLeod, J. (2018). Research Matters: Little things can make a difference. Therapy Today, 29(7), 40-41.

McLeod, J. (2018). Research Matters: Research based knowledge. Therapy Today, 29(8), 40-41.

McLeod, J. (2018). Research Matters: Frustrated research-minded practitioners who are blocked from accessing journal articles. Therapy Today, 29(9), 40-41.

McLeod, J. (2017). Science and psychotherapy: developing research-based knowledge that enhances the effectiveness of practice. Transactional Analysis Journal, 47, 82-101

McLeod, J. (2017). Why read research? Therapy today,28(5), 34-37.

Oddli, H., Kjos, P. and McLeod, J. (2017). Negotiating credibility: the peer review process in clinical research. Qualitative Psychology

Oddli, H. W. & McLeod, J. (2017). Knowing-in-relation: How experienced therapists integrate different sources of knowledge in actual clinical practice. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 27, 107-119.

Reichelt, S., Skjerve, J., & McLeod, J. (2017). Topic-focused analysis of verbal interaction in a case of integrative therapy with a young woman presenting with symptoms of depression. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 45(1), 42–55.

Revell, S. and McLeod, J. (2017). Therapist experience of walk and talk therapy: A descriptive phenomenological study. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 19, 267-289

Bowie, C., McLeod, J., & McLeod, J. (2016). “It was almost like the opposite of what I needed”: A qualitative exploration of client experiences of unhelpful therapy. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 16(2), 1–9.

Halvorsen, M. S., Benum, K., Haavind, H. & McLeod, J. (2016). A life-saving therapy: The theory-building case of “Cora”. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 12, 158-193.

Halvorsen, M. S., McLeod, J., Benum, K. and Haavind, H. (2016). Conceptualizing the complexity of change in psychotherapy: The “Case of Cora”. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 12, 224-237.

McLeod, J. (2016). Everyday life, manifesto-writing and the texture of human agency. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 18, 415-423.

Råbu, M. & McLeod, J. (2016). Wisdom in professional knowledge: Why it can be valuable to listen to the voices of senior psychotherapists. Psychotherapy Research, 1-17.

Råbu, M., Moltu, C., Binder, P.-E. & McLeod, J. (2016). How does practising psychotherapy affect the personal life of the therapist? A qualitative inquiry of senior therapists’ experiences. Psychotherapy Research, 26, 737-749.

Reichelt, S., Skjerve, J. & McLeod, J. (2016). Topic-focused analysis of verbal interaction in a case of integrative therapy for depression and emotional turmoil. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration,

Revell, S., & McLeod, J. (2016). Experiences of therapists who integrate walk and talk into their professional practice. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 16(1), 35–43.

Skjerve, J., Reichelt, S. & McLeod, J. (2016). Topic change processes in psychotherapy: a case study approach. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 13, 271-288.

Walls, J., McLeod, J., & McLeod, J. (2016). Client preferences in counselling for alcohol problems: A qualitative investigation. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 16(2), 109–118.

Benelli, E., De Carlo, A., Biffi, D. & McLeod, J. (2015). Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design: A systematic review of published research and current standards. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 22, 97-133.

Cooper, M., Wild, C., van Rijn, B., Ward, T., McLeod, J., Cassar, S., … Sreenath, S. (2015). Pluralistic therapy for depression: Acceptability, outcomes and helpful aspects in a multisite study. Counselling Psychology Review, 30(1), 6–20.

McLeod, J. (2015). A pluralistic framework for counselling and psychotherapy practice: implications for therapist training and development. Resonanzen–E-Journal für biopsychosoziale Dialoge in Psychotherapie, Supervision und Beratung, 3, 5-15

McLeod, J. (2015). Narrative case studies and practice-based learning: reflections on the Case of Mr. R. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 11(4)

McLeod, J. (2015). Client preferences: building bridges between therapy and everyday life. Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia Journal, Issue 3.

McLeod, J. (2015). Reading case studies to inform therapeutic practice. Psychotherapie Forum, 20, 3-9

McLeod, J. (2015). Reading qualitative research. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 17, 194-205.

McLeod, J., & McLeod, J. (2015). Research on embedded counselling: An emerging topic of potential importance for the future of counselling psychology. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 28(1), 27–43.

Rouse, A., Armstrong, J., & McLeod, J. (2015). Enabling connections: Counsellor creativity and therapeutic practice. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 15(3), 171–179.

Tilley, E., McLeod, J., & McLeod, J. (2015). An exploratory qualitative study of values issues associated with training and practice in pluralistic counselling. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 15(3), 180–187.

Utry, Z. A., Palmer, S., McLeod, J., & Cooper, M. (2015). A pluralistic approach to coaching. Coaching Psychologist, 11(1), 46–52.

Weaks, D., Wilkinson, H. and McLeod, J. (2015). Daring to tell: the importance of telling others about a diagnosis of dementia. Ageing and Society, 35, 765-784

Oddli, H.W., Reichelt, S., Ronnestad, H. & McLeod, J (2014). Strategies used by experienced therapists to explore client goals in early sessions of psychotherapy. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 16, 245-266.

Smith, K., Shoemark, A. and McLeod, J. (2014). Moving on: a case analysis of process and outcome in person-centred psychotherapy for health anxiety. Person-centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 13, 111-127

Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2018). Meta-analysis of Strategies for Psychotherapy Integration in Recent Published Case Study Reports. Panel Presentation at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Annual Conference, New York: USA, June 2018.

Finnerty, M., Kearns, C., & McLeod, J. (2018). Developing an Organising Framework for Training in Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. Panel presentation at the International Conference for Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dundee: Scotland, March 2018.

Kearns, C., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2018). Pluralistic Group Therapy for Anxious Children: A Waiting List Management Strategy. Panel presentation at the International Conference for Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dundee: Scotland, March 2018.

McLeod, J., & Finnerty, M. (2018). Time to start using the term, “disintegrative psychotherapy?”, Panel Presentation at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Annual Conference, New York: USA, June 2018.

Ward, G., McLeod, J., & Finnerty, M. (2018). Beyond Words: Exploring the Integration of Art-Therapy as an Adjunct to Talk Therapy in Pluralistic Counselling with Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) Clients. Panel Presentation at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Annual Conference, New York: USA, June 2018.

Bourke, A.M., Finnerty, M. & McLeod, J. (2016). Experiences of Young People and Therapists Using the YP-CORE form in Therapy Sessions in a Substance Misuse Treatment Service. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Burke, C., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2016). Exploring the Counselling Journey of Women Emerging from Psychologically and Emotionally Abusive Relationships. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Finnerty, M., McLeod, J., Kearns, C., O’Neill, D. & O’Regan, D. (2016) Teaching Integration through the Ways Paradigm. Paper Presented at Dublin, 2016 SEPI Annual Conference.

Finnegan, M., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2016). Finding a Language: Therapist Experiences of Communication Difficulties in Counselling with Adolescent Clients. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Gilhooley, A. Finnerty, M. & McLeod, J. (2016). Being a Man in Rural Ireland: Resources for Maintaining Mental Health and Well-Being. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Gough, J., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2016). A Pluralistic Approach to OCD: One Size Might Not Fit All. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Hogan, S., Finnerty M., McLeod, J. (2016). Learning to Use Feedback Tools: Experiences of Trainee Counsellors in a Community Counselling Service. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Ingram, D., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2016). How Teachers Can Support Bereaved Adolescents: Integrating Responsiveness into the School Environment. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Lumsden, E., Finnerty, M., McLeod, J. (2016). Mystical Experience as a Highly Significant Everyday Event: How Does It Become a Resource for Change. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

O’Regan, D., Finnerty, M., McLeod, J., & Kearns, C. (2016). Why Do Clients Not Show up for their First Session. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Quinn, S., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2016). The Impact of Client Suicide on the Experienced Psychotherapist. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Woods, M., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2016). Taking Care of Unfinished Business: The Lived Experiences of Women Addiction Counsellors with a History of Drug Use. Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.

Woods, M., Finnerty, M., & McLeod, J. (2016).  Towards a trauma-informed, sensitive, empathic and harm reduction practice response to women, drug use and motherhood: the space and time for a pluralistic approach? Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration: Trinity College Dublin. June 2016.